Monday, April 19, 2010

Surya Kriya

So for our second class we incorporated a few techniques which we covered in our first class. I will  post an alternate section covering the 'warm ups' and 'breath-work' that we did. The kriya, (- which we now know to be the 'specific sequence of postures', oft referred to as 'asanas' in other yogic practices) which we practiced is known as 'Surya Kriya":

'Surya' refers to the energy of the Sun and this is what this Kriya is named after, when one has a lot of sun energy you do not get cold,  you are energetic, expressive and enthusiastic. It is the energy of purification and it holds weight down. It allows the mind to become clear, analytical and action orientated. These exercises systematically  stimulate the positive pranic/life force and kundalini energy itself. It builds strength of body and allows one to focus on many tasks.

The procession of the kriya:

1 - Breathing through the Right Nostril -
     This draws on the "sun breath" and gives us a clear and focused mind.

2 - Sat Kriya -
     We do this for six minutes which we break down into two , three minutes parts. It releases energy
     stored at the Navel Point.

    Sitting on the heels, we bring the palms of the hands together and interlace the fingers , with the 
    exception of the Index/Jupiter fingers which remain pressed together and are extended straight. Men 
    cross the right thumb over the left, and women left over right. We raise the arms above the head, 
    rolling the shoulders back and down, Jupiter fingers pointing straight up.
    The sternum naturally rises as we chant SAT and releases as we chant NAM. Don't scrunch your 
    shoulders, relax and drop them down. Go at a slow and steady pace allowing the mantra and breath 
    to carry you.

3 - Spinal Flex  -
     This brings the released Kundalini energy along the path of the spine and aids flexibility.

4 - Frog Pose -
     This transforms sexual energy.

     As we are doing rapid Frog Pose , we inhale - chest and head are up , you are face forward in    
     squatting position. As you exhale draw the Navel Point in . The head moves last as you bring it    
     towards your knees, the heels stay off  the ground.

5 - Neck Turns -
     This opens up the throat chakra, stimulates circulation to the head and works on the
     thyroid and parathyroid glands.

6 - Spinal Bend - 
     This exercise flexes the spine, distributes the energy over the whole body and balances the magnetic

7 - Meditate -
     This will take you into a deep self-healing meditation.

                                                                   Sat Nam

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