Sunday, March 21, 2010

What is Yoga?

In asking ourselves this question we can , in a short space of time, clear up the main basic misunderstandings associated with what one considers yoga to be, what ones expectations of yoga are and what yoga actually is. 
It is not a religion. It is not a physical exercise. It is not a psychological system for developing the psyche. Although the latter two are aspects of it,  and devotion rather than religion elevates it from a mere aerobic experience, yoga is essentially a relationship.

"The word 'yoga' comes from the word 'yoke', to 'join together' or to 'unite'. Yoga is the union of the individual consciousness with the Infinite consciousness"

Yoga is considered to be a technology of awareness. Our awareness varies greatly and it gives us different capacities and choices. We are spiritual beings having a human experience rarely do we presence ourselves to this. We forget our Infinite and Creative potential.  We limit ourselves. We need an access to breaking down theses unconscious limitations. Kundalini Yoga is the technical know how!

"The techniques of Kundalini Yoga form the owner's manual for human consciousness.Yoga explores your dimensions, depth, nature, and potential as a human being"

In truth we can talk about yoga, we can research yoga, we can read about yoga but the only we can know yoga,  is to do it, to experience it for ourselves, and it is a personal journey -  it is yours! 

"Experience and Believe" 
                                                             Yogi Bhajan

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